CSNA Biobank
Integrative Genetics and Genomics Core, PI: Dr. Vivek Philip
- Leona Gagnon, Technical Manager
- Martha Abbott, Research Program Administrator
Behavioral Pipeline. From each population of mice in the Cocaine Locomotor Sensitization Assay, half of all samples will receive a sensitizing regimen of cocaine and half will remain as sham. Subjects will be injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) with either saline or 10 mg/kg cocaine. On days 1, 2 and 12, mice will receive a saline injection and on days 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 19 mice will receive cocaine. Sham controls will be injected with vehicle on the same schedule. Tissue will be harvested 24 hours following the final dose of cocaine.
Tissue Harvest. A multi-tissue dissection procedure was performed, including several brain regions (hemisected cortex, isolated striatum, and isolated hippocampus) will provide a resource for analysis of gene expression genetics and correlation to behavior. In addition, all Diversity Outbred samples have been genotyped and this information is available to those who use the tissues. Other relevant tissues in the addiction circuitry are typically obtained via laser capture or tissue punch; however, after a cost-benefit analysis a decision was made to not put excessive effort into dissection of tissue for which we do not have immediate provisions for expression profiling. Should we learn of a collaborator interested to obtain and process tissues, we will work to incorporate this sampling into our dissection protocol.
Tissue dissemination. Tissues will be available from the Biobank based on a competitive review process that will require a brief protocol and demonstration of the feasibility, impact and evidence of funding to execute the proposed analysis. If you are interested in using these samples, please begin by contacting any of the CSNA Leadership team, Program Manager, Technical Manager or Program Administrator. These proposals will be reviewed by the Internal Advisory Board in consultation with the External Advisory Board. Return of data will be a condition of tissue distribution, and projects that request to use only the control samples will be discouraged to ensure that the drug treated vs. control studies have adequate power. We will solicit collaborations and support for characterization of additional brain regions, particularly those involved in addiction related behaviors.